Assassins - Ultimate CD Games Collection 1
Assassins - Ultimate CD Games Collection (1994)(Weird Science)(Track 1 of 2)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV][CDD5332].iso
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259 lines
By Matthew J Barker
November 1991
Welcome to yet another PAC-MAN clone, but hopefully the best one that is
available for free (or at least next to nothing) - but I don't actually think
that a full price version of the original has ever been written (?)
It isn't strictly a clone, but the similarities are very similar. There are
a few features which distinguish it from most versions :-
* Maze designer : Apart from the fact that a couple of mazes are almost
identical to the arcade original, it has the potential
for different mazes, and in fact embedded in the game is
a level designer (more later). Most of the levels have
been designed by myself (and/or a friend).
* Extra Bonuses : A new feature, though almost an afterthought on my part,
is the Extra Bonus. These give Mouth-Man extra, limited
powers which are usually of benefit to the yellow thing.
For example : Extra Life, Extra Power Pill etc...
(see later.)
* Sound Effects : Compared to many PAC-MAN games, my version has rather
more, but not necessarily better, sound effects.
Some I admit are slightly annoying, but I had to rely on
my sample library, and as I don't have a sampler...
The Game
The game is pretty much identical in principle to the arcade version.
But here's a description of my version :
* The object is to gorge yourself on all the rather uninteresting dots,
pills and bonuses while avoiding collision with the ghosts. What a
dull life - but someone thought it would be a good idea.
* Dots are boring, just worth 1 point and do nothing.
* Pills turn the ghosts into a nourishing edible form, where they appear
blue, and score successively for each ghost 20, 40, 80 and 160 when
eaten. There are only a few per level (none on some !) so eat wisely.
Oh, and they are worth 5 points.
* Bonuses usually score a few points (dependent on the level) but quite
interestingly, often strange things happen.
Here's a list (in order of probability of them happening) :
(i) Ghost peeler - skins ghosts.
(ii) Extra power pill.
(iii) Ghost repellant. (limited time)
(iv) Invincibility. (limited time)
(v) Extra Life.
(vi) Go to next level. (very rare)
* Tunnels can be used to move from one place to another. This is useful
since ghosts take 3 times as long to travel through them. They can be
found almost anywhere, but usually at the sides. Another thing, some are
1-way, and not always logical !
* There are four ghosts, which I have named (not very originally)
Swifty, Pink, He's the fastest.
Brains, Red, He'll follow you always if he can, but is medium speed.
Blinky, Cyan, He would rather not bump into you thank-you-very-much.
Tardy, Orange, He tries his best, but is rather slow.
On later levels, Swifty tends to accelerate (along with Tardy) so you'd
better watch it !
* The game runs at one of 3 speeds, depending on the level, from
'painfully slow', to 'comfortable', to 'phew!'. Most levels are at speed
* There are only 12 levels in this version I'm afraid, I needed time to
study, and maze designing does take time.
The game can be run from CLI or WorkBench, on an AMIGA 500, with or without
1/2 Meg expansion - but I haven't tested it on other configurations.
The controls are :
Menu selection is via the joystick in port 2.
In the game, movement is also via joystick. Fire quits the game.
Have fun. (The later levels are bitches by the way !)
Maze Editor
If you have already tried the game, and notice the 'Maze Editor' option on
the main menu, you may be curious to know why you can't access it. Well,
it is because you need to activate it first. But I'm not going to tell you
how here ! You may get a hint from completing all the levels, or you could
write to me, and I may just tell you. If you are a bit sneaky you may just
hack the code, but surely that defies the object of completing the game ?
If you do activate it, then here is brief summary of the options and
Edit As it says.
Read Reads the maze number shown into the edit buffer.
Store Opposite of read.
Load Loads a custom set of levels into the buffer.
Save Opposite of load.
Clear All Clears all mazes (use with caution!).
Clear Maze Clears the maze number shown. (caution!)
Play level Allows you a chance to test the shown stored level.
Quit Back to main menu.
The editor is split into 3 sections. Each section can be reached by pressing
the right mouse button.
Section 1
Maze designer. Select a piece from the left hand menu and click on centre
area to place. The options on the top right do the following :
Q Quit to Maze Editor menu.
D Delete maze.
G Toggle grid.
M Toggle maze graphics.
C Cycle through maze colour sets.
Section 2
This facilitates :
* Placing of dots, and up to 4 power pills.
* Placing ghost home exit.
* Placing ghost initial positions.
* Placing of tunnels.
* Placing Mouth-Man and the bonus.
The first is obvious.
The second needs some explanation. The ghost home MUST be self-contained and
have ONLY ONE exit. Otherwise the ghosts become confused. The ghost home
exit must be placed in the exit place, see pre-designed levels if you are not
All ghosts must start inside this ghost home, for similar reasons.
Each of the 8 (1-way) tunnels have a start and a destination.
Clicking on the tunnel icon, gives the next tunnel, or the destination.
The start is placed when the icon reads Tx (where x is between 1 and 8)
by clicking at the top-left of 16x16 pixel clear block.
Click again on the icon, to place the destination. Here, an R, L, U or D
appears by the tunnel number. (Standing for right, left, up and down).
This is the direction Mouth-Man exits the tunnel.
A tunnel can be deleted by clicking on D in the top right, while the tunnel
icon is selected.
Clicking on the bonus icon changes it to one of the 6 possible shapes.
All rather bad actually, but I'm no artist.
The D in the top right deletes all dots and pills if a space, dot or a pill
is selected.
The Q quits to main menu.
Section 3
Various game parameters are defined here :
* Bonus score.
* Pill time limit (in seconds).
* Speed of Mouth-Man (low value => high speed).
* Acceleration probability (0-99)
All are obvious, except the final one. A.P. refers to how likely Swifty and
Tardy are to accelerate. 0 means never, 99 means they are nearly always at
top speed - this means Swifty is faster than you. Low values are often
best, 2 - 10 seem to be good.
A few notes :
Be sensible with your mazes, placing Mouth-Man outside the maze is silly
and may even cause the game to crash when playing (similarly with the
ghosts.) If in doubt, check out a maze I defined.
You cannot place dots over maze, or maze over dots.
It warns you if ghosts, Mouth-Man or bonus are placed over dots or maze -
this is not allowed.
After designing a level, before you exit the editor main menu, or play the
level, be sure to store the maze beforehand, else it will be lost.
The maximum capacity is 24 levels.
Have fun (again.)
Other Details
When copying, keep all samples, and data files in the current directory or
it will not load.
Commented source may be obtained from me in Assembler if you are interested
(probably not I would guess). (It would be nice if I could recieve something
in return - money, software, etc... anything really.)
Bugs are few. The ones I have found are harmless, and not worth fixing.
If you find any serious bugs you would like fixing, or something, write to
me, and send a disk if necessary.
I am a Computer Science student at Sheffield University, and only just about
had time to write this in the summer holiday, though actually the main code
only took a month or 2 to write, the debugging and modifications took me into
term time. I never had the patience or time to write a more complex game, but
I did write a reasonable Draughts playing game...
If you require it, my home address is 56 Southend Rd.
BS23 4JZ
(Until July 1992, my E-Mail address is AC3MJB@UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA)
Thanks to Nic Beauchamp for help with designing levels.
Thanks for KSeka and A68k assemblers without which this could never have
been written.
Well, that's it from me... :*)